On Transport Day during the COP26 climate summit, the UK government confirmed its plans to ban the sale of all diesel HGVs by 2040. Trucks weighing 26 tonnes and under are to be phased out by 2035, with the largest HGVs following by 2040.
HGVs are difficult to decarbonise with the most challenging requirements for driving range and carrying capacity.
- Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are commercially available and well-suited for light, short-range transport sectors (cars, vans and trucks up to 8 tonnes) but they are too expensive due to battery cost and battery recharging along with vehicle range
– Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are expected to provide a solution for HGVs in the long term but the technology readiness is poor. Also, the total carbon emitted to make them is high.
– Methane – in the form of bio-compressed natural gas (Bio-CNG) – is currently the only proven, commercially available option for long haul vehicles as evidenced by market information and research.
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